Beato port terminal
Located on the northern side of the Tagus estuary, it can receive ships up to 200 m LOA and 8 m draught, unloading agricultural bulk foods using two unloaders, one pneumatic and the other mechanical, with a nominal flow of 600 mt/hour each, and can receive up to two different products simultaneously.

It has a storage capacity of 110,000 MT, with phytosanitary checks of the products in stock.
Due to its geographical location, it is the only port terminal dedicated to supplying the manufacturing industries of bread wheat and animal feed located in the Greater Lisbon area, either by receiving directly ships arriving from Europe, or by ships coming from third countries, through river transfer from Trafaria.
All unloaded products are sent to electronic scales to be weighed and stored and can be shipped by road or rail bound for the interior of the Portuguese territory or the Spanish hinterland.
It is equipped with a computer system for controlling the movement of products and stocks which also provides daily information to all customers, enabling the management of their stocks, their delivery orders, and the balances of their customers.
Products stored at the Terminal may benefit from the Type A Customs Warehouse and Temporary Warehouse status.
It has a Food Safety Management System in accordance with the requirements of ISO 22000