Declarations of conformity of the port terminals of Beato and Trafaria with the ISPS code – the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
With regard to port security, and in compliance with the rules in article 19 of Decree-Law no. 226/2006, of 15 November, of the SOLAS Convention, and parts A and B of the ISPS Code – International Ship and Port Facility Security Code – with mandatory implementation since July 2004, SILOPOR has promoted the training of Security Officers and prepared the Port Installations Security Plans.
These Plans have been duly certified since December 2007 by the Competent Authority for the Protection of Maritime Transport and Ports, ACPTMP, through the issuance of the respective Declaration of Conformity for each of the Port Facilities – Terminal Portuário do Beato and Terminal Portuário da Trafaria , as follows: